These events happen during The Snow Queen, a new musical by Haddon Kime, Kirsten Brandt, and Rick Lombardo. Performances are currently happening at the Lake Charles Little Theater. Gerda, who is the main character in the music, is played by Hunter Becton. She is a great actress and is thoroughly enjoyable to watch. However, the stand out start in the play is definitely Cole Becton. He has to show a wide range of emotions during the play and seems to accomplish them with ease. Taylor Novak-Tyler also does a great job of being distant, icy, and uncaring as The Snow Queen.
Other actors are Katie Becton (Grandmother, Robber Mom), Louis Barrilleaux (Prince, Reindeer, Troll, Crow), Heather Foreman (Princess, Garden Witch, North Witch), Lilly Brady (Rose, Robber Girl), Timothy Smith (Troll King, Old Crow), Cagle Kaough (Flower, Lady Crow), Crista Corbello (Flower, Pigeon), Everly Spears (Flower, Pigeon), Supratik Regni (Troll, Robber, Crow), Antonio Dre (Troll, Robber, Crow).
The set was excellently made. The houses seemed warm and the rest of the set was painted perfectly to look like snowy mountains. There was an excellent use of icicle lights to make a melting effect when snow and ice was supposed to be melting.
Crew for the show are the following people: Bacot Wright (Director), Dan Sadler (Assistant Director, Music Director), Heather Partin (Costumer), Gregory Leute (Stage Combat), Robert Grider (Light Operator, Dramaturge), Liz Trahan (Program). The set was constructed by Louis Barrilleaux, Dan Sadler, James Johnson, Bacot Wright, Katie Cole, and Gregory Leute.
There are quite a few differences from Hans Christian Andersen's story, but the general plot is followed. Expect to see a new story rather than one that completely follows the story by Andersen. Also, do not confused the play with any of the movies or specials with the same title, even if they are based on Andersen's story. This is also not Disney's Frozen, even though that story is very loosely based on Andersen's tale.
The play is in Lake Charles for six more performances. The dates and times are as follows:
- Friday, February 14, 2020 at 7pm
- Saturday, February 15, 2020 at 7pm
- Sunday, February 16, 2020 at 2pm
- Friday, February 21, 2020 at 7pm
- Saturday, February 22, 2020 at 7pm
- Sunday, February 23, 2020 at 2pm
For more information, visit The Lake Charles Little Theater website or e-mail