Sunday, December 8, 2019

How to Create Patterns with String and Paint Rollers - Scenic Artists' Tips and Tricks

Have you ever needed to paint a wall or a set piece with a pattern? You can always buy patterened paint rollers like this one: Garosa Texture Pattern Paint Roller Brush

However, if you have a paint roller and string, you can make your own patterned paint roller.

A textured wallpaper pattern
  1. Start with your basic paint roller. One like this will do: KingOrigin premium 4 inch Paint Roller Kit
  2. Next, wrap string or yarn around the paint roller in any pattern that you would like. You can make it evenly spaced or create odd patterns. You might want some yarn such as Lion Brand Tweed Yarn or string such as T.W Evans Cordage 12-250 Number-1 Braided Nylon Mason Line
  3. Once the string is wrapped on ther paint roller, put paint on the surface. Don't force it into places, but do make sure that it covers the roller and the string enough that it will paint. You may want to use paint such as Mshzf DIY 5D Diamond Painting Kit.
  4. You can put more than one color on the roller if you would like to have different colors. If not, stick with one color of paint.
  5. Make sure that you test out the pattern on a scrap of scenery or paper to make sure it turns out how you would like it to look.
  6. Now that you have made a patterned paint roller, you can paint walls or furniture with different patterns. You can always rearrange the yarn or string to make different patterns or create your own patterns with multiple paint rollers and not be limited to those that are on the market.

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