During the 18th and 19th centuries, groups in Latin America were working on creating their own theatre. They would use Western European theatre traditions and blend them with local interests. There were many different types of Latin American theatre genres. Two of the significant ones are the zarzuela and the sainete
Zarzuela was especially popular in Cuba in the 1850s. This genre of theatre would often focus on the plight of multiracial and mulatta women. It combined songs, dialogue, and dancing.Sainete used colorful costumes and scenery. The language was local and it seemed realistic to the locals. However, the plays in sainete were farces accompanied by music, so the plays were not realistic.
Between the 1940s and the 1960s, theatrical companies were establish throughout Central and South America. Theatre in Latin America often dealt with political happenings. One of the playwrights that wrote plays to expose the truths about the totalitarian governments was Virgilio Piñera. He would use dark humor in his plays to get his point across. Today, theatre in Central and South America is still thriving.
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