Saturday, February 17, 2018

Emotions in Acting

When it comes to dialog in theatre, emotions are extremely important. I wanted to address this a little bit. I don't have much ready for it right now, but it is important. Obviously, it is also important in movie and television acting. They say (and it can be seen), that people with theatre training are also the best actors in movies and in television. There are differences, but this is not about that.

There is a monologue that I found in a play. I love the monologue. The play is fairly good, but it is the monologue that I truly love. I have found others performing the same monologue and I am always shocked at how mundane it seems when they perform the monologue.

I understand that the character says, "I get numb," but I don't interpret that as she has a flat mood. It has made her feel numb, but she still has extremely strong emotions.

I will write more about this monologue and emotions later, but that is where I wanted to start.

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