Maybe Jonah was swallowed by a whale (or a big fish) that looked something like this.
Here are five religious musicals that you may not have known exist.
- Catechism Cataclysm by Jay Beech and Dave Eliason
This musical has nothing to do with the 2011 dark film. It a catechism (or confirmation) class is struggling with memory work. The reason they need to get it done is so they can go on the canoe trip after classes are over. This is a fun 50 minute musical. - A Season to Celebrate by Allen Pote
This musical covers the life of Jesus, even from before he was born. It is basically why the church year exists put into musical form.
- Daniel, Darius & DeLion by Sue Farrar
This musical is the story of Daniel in the lion's den told from the viewpoint of the lion. It is a fun 30 minute musical with a great twist on perspective. There are a lot of great pieces that true theatre artists could bring to life that most likely have not been done. There are plenty of examples of this musical on YouTube.
Here is one example of this musical: - Oh, Jonah! by Allen Pote
This musical is the story of Jonah and it manages to tell his story beyond the basics of being swallowed by a whale and spit up onto the shore. Participants are sure to learn more about the Jonah story by being a part of this musical. It is a 30 minute musical. There are even many examples of it on YouTube, but true theare artists could probably make it come much more alive than anything that can be found on YouTube.
Here is one example of the musical from YouTube: - The Song We Came to Sing by Sheldon Curry and Doris J. Simpson
It seems like this musical is completely out of print, which is sad. It is a 30 minute musical that is mostly singing from the score with some funny moments. The musical is literally the happenings in a church youth choir, so it is perfect for a church youth choir or any youth choir with those who are Chrisitans. A memorable lyric is "The song we came to sing is a song of many things, of how God's love flowers like spring; the song we came to sing." A memorable line is "Joe Namath was in the Bible?!"
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