Wednesday, December 11, 2019

How to Make Blue Coral Out of a Pool Noodle - Scenic Artists' Tips and Tricks

There are some sets, such as the one for The Little Mermaid that require you to have coral as set pieces. There are various ways of making coral. In this blog post, we are going to concentrate on making blue coral out of pool noodles.

Real blue coral.

This post focuses on making the blue coral out of pool noodles only. It does not focus on making the rest of the coral reef. You will need the following items.
  1. Blue pool noodles such as Fix Find 5 Pack of Blue Flexible Foam Pool Noodles.
  2. Heavy Duty Scissors such as Wiss Heavy Duty Scissors

  1. Using one pool noodle, decide how many parts you want the top to split into (kind of like deciding how many petals you'd want on a flower).
  2. Make one less vertical cut than the number desired all around from the top of the pool noodle down. You want to make sure that the pool noodle is never cut horizontally.
  3. Once this is done, use your hand to press down and spread the cut part of the pool noodle so the pieces stick out and spread out wider than the rest of the pool noodle.
  4. Now you can decide on the length that you want the rest of the coral to be and cut the pool noodle horizontally for where you would like so it is at the length you desire.

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